PhD Student

Resarch activities at CPHT: Condensed Matter

Thesis:  "Topological Properties of the Kagome Lattice and Light-Matter Systems"

Advisor: Karyn Le Hur

Research interests: : Condensed Matter, Topological phases, Kagome lattice, Quantum circuits

Abstract: The kagome lattice has recently attracted much attention in physics, from a theoretical and experimental point of view. We want to characterize the topological properties of several models on this lattice and propose measurement protocoles. We want to compare our predictions with measurements in recently discovered new materials showing a kagome order. The kagome lattice can also be studied experimentally thanks to cold atom systems or quantum electrodynamics systems. We want to study our models for these systems.


Address CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France
Phone number 01 69 33 42 76
email firstname.lastname@polytechnique.edu
Office Aile zéro, Office 1018

