Le Centre de Physique Théorique (CPHT) réunit des chercheurs dont les activités couvrent un large spectre de la Physique, tant dans ses aspects fondamentaux qu'appliqués.
Le CPHT est une unité mixte de recherche (UMR 7644) du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) et de l’Ecole polytechnique. Au niveau du CNRS, il est rattaché à l’Institut de physique. Le CPHT a également un partenariat avec le Collège de France.
Le CPHT, dirigé par Jean-René Chazottes, directeur de Recherche au CNRS, est implanté sur le campus de l’Ecole Polytechnique à Palaiseau, dans le bâtiment 6 et dans l'aile 0 du bâtiment 5. Le secrétariat se situe dans le Bâtiment 6, bureaux 06.1046 et 06.1045. 

Adresse postale : 
Ecole Polytechnique 
91128 Palaiseau cedex 

Tél. Secrétariat : 01 69 33 42 01

Pour écrire un email à un membre du laboratoire : prenom.nom@polytechnique.edu



Dario Benedetti
(LPT / Université Paris Sud)

From quantum gravity to conformal tensor models

I will present an overview of the path leading from non-perturbative approaches to quantum gravity to the recent development of field theories in the so-called "melonic limit".
Along such path one encounters topics such as asymptotic safety, dynamical triangulations, tensor models, AdS/CFT duality, and more. I will try to make sense of all that.




L’École polytechnique vient de se voir attribuer quatre bourses individuelles au titre du programme européen « Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie », représentant un taux exceptionnel de réussite de 30% des candidatures alors que le taux moyen est de 14%.

Pour le CPHT, les deux lauréats sont Evgeny Stepanov et Blagoje Oblak.

Evgeny Stepano sera accueilli au sein de l’équipe de Silke Biermann. Il est actuellement à l'Institut des molécules et matériaux de Nijmegen.

Blagoje Oblak intègrera l’équipe de Marios Petropoulos. Il est actuellement  à  l’École polytechnique fédérale de Zürich.

Plus d'informations



Urko Reinosa fait partie des 143 « Outstanding Referees » choisis par les éditeurs des journaux Physical Review en 2019. Ces outstanding referees sont sélectionnés parmi les 71000 referees en activité.

Voici le texte officiel :

Instituted in 2008, the Outstanding Referee program expresses appreciation for the essential work that anonymous peer reviewers do for our journals. Each year a small percentage of our 71,000 active referees are selected and honored with the Outstanding Referee designation. Selections are made based on the number, quality, and timeliness of referee reports as collected in a database over the last 30 years. A full listing and further details on the program are available here: http://journals.aps.org/OutstandingReferees.



In 2019 we will be celebrating the 61st anniversary of the Centre de Physique Théorique, founded in 1958 by Louis Michel. This institute is part of the Ecole Polytechnique research centre, widely acknowledged for its scientific diversity and international leadership, as well as for the prominent role of its members in teaching and outreach activities.

More information



Les 4 et 11 décembre 2018, une série de leçons sera organisée sur le thème

Many-body quantum chaos: from black holes to hydrodynamics

par Sašo Grozdanov – MIT

  • First and second lectures: Tuesday December 4 11:00 & 14:00 – salle Louis Michel – CPHT
  • Third and fourth lectures: Tuesday December 11 11:00 & 14:00 – salle Louis Michel – CPHT

Plus d'information : https://www.cpht.polytechnique.fr/?q=fr/node/13


La Journée des Thèses a eu lieu au CPHT le jeudi 15 novembre 2018  dans la salle de conférence Louis Michel.

Format : 10 minutes/exposé + 5 minutes pour les questions

             10h-12h30 :

·         [10h00-10h30] : Rencontre entre les doctorant.e.s et la DDPD (Direction Déléguée Programme Doctoral)

·         [10h30-10h45] Luca CIAMBELLI : AdS/CFT : The fluid road to holography

·         [10h45-11h] Ariane SORET : Superconductivity and out-of-equilibrium systems

·         [11h-11h15] Jan MAELGER : QCD from perturbation theory

·         [11h15-11h30] Pablo GUERRERO RODRIGUEZ : The non-linear regime of quantum chromodynamics in the context of relativistic heavy-ion collisions

·         [11h30-11h45] Guillaume BROCHARD : Kinetic effects of energetic particles on magneto-hydrodynamics instabilities in tokamak plasmas

·         [11h45-12h] Jakob STEINBAUER : Slave-rotor techniques in many-body electrons systems

·         [12h-12h15] Quentin BONNEFOY : Topics in BSM physics

·         [12h15-12h30] Julien DESPRES : Far-from-equilibrium dynamics in quantum lattice models

12h30-14h : pause

14h-15h30 :

·         [14h-14h15] Hepeng YAO : Low dimensional ultracold atom gases

·         [14h15-14h30] Grégoire VARILLON : Non-modal hydrodynamic stability analysis for ablation flows relative to inertial confinement fusion

·         [14h30-14h45] Fan YANG : Topological phases and interaction effects

·         [14h45-15h] Marcello TURTULICI : "Ab-initio" materials simulations for correlated electron systems with vacancies

·         [15h-15h15] Mufei LUO : Auto-resonance in three-wave interactions with bandwidth

·         [15h15-15h30] Charles MARTEAU : Flat holography

15h30-15h45 : pause

·         [15h45-16h] Thibaut COUDARCHET : Cosmological Higgs mechanism and dark matter creation in a string theory framework

·         [16h-16h15] Philipp KLEIN : Topological effects in layer systems

·         [16h15-16h30] Dung LE : QCD at high energy and high density: theory, links with statistical physics problems, and phenomenology

·         [16h30-16h45] Louis VILLA : Strongly interacting quantum systems in 1d

16h45 : goûter



Au cours de l’automne 2018, une série de leçons sera organisée sur le thème

Stochastic quantisation of QFTs & applications to quantum gravity and early cosmology

par Laurent Baulieu – LPTHE UPMC

  • First lecture Thursday October 4 Motivations in early cosmology and quantum gravity

Jeudi 4 octobre 2018 à 11h00 - salle Louis Michel – CPHT

  • Second and third lectures

Basics on stochastic quantisation

Vendredi 12 octobre à 11:00 & 14:00 – salle Louis Michel – CPHT

  • Fourth and fifth lectures

Stochastic quantisation and gauge fields

Vendredi 9 novembre - 11:00 & 14:00 – salle Louis Michel – CPHT

Plus d'information : https://www.cpht.polytechnique.fr/?q=fr/node/13


Soutenance de thèse le Mardi 4 septembre 2018, 14h00

Bibliothèque du LPTHE à Paris (Venir au LPTHE)

Charles Cosnier Horeau
(Théorie des Cordes)

"Amplitudes BPS et fonctions automorphes en théorie des cordes"

I will present the idea of black hole microstate counting in string theory vacua with extended supersymmetry (N=4), and explain how the degeneracy of certain BPS black holes in four dimension can be extracted from exact couplings in the low energy effective action of a three dimensional model. This set of conjectures will be motivated with supersymmetry constraints, non-perturbative symmetries, and agreement with known results from the literature.



Soutenance de thèse le Vendredi 7 septembre 2018, 9h30

LPTMS, Bâtiment 100, 15 Rue Georges Clemenceau, 91405 Orsay (http://lptms.u-psud.fr/en/locations/lptms-batiment-100-salle-201-orsay/)

Kirill Plekhanov
(Equipe Matière condensée)

"Topological Floquet States, artificial gauge fields in strongly correlated quantum fluid"

Abstract : In this thesis we study the topological aspects of condensed matter physics, that received a revolutionary development in the last decades. Topological states of matter are protected against perturbations and disorder, making them very promising in the context of quantum information. The interplay between topology and interactions in such systems is however far from being well understood, while the experimental realization is challenging. Thus, in this work we investigate such strongly correlated states of matter and explore new protocols to probe experimentally their properties. In order to do this, we use various both analytical and numerical techniques.

First, we analyze the properties of an interacting bosonic version of the celebrated Haldane model – the model for the quantum anomalous Hall effect. We propose its quantum circuit implementation based on the application of periodic time-dependent perturbations – Floquet engineering. Continuing these ideas, we study the interacting bosonic version of the Kane-Mele model – the first model of a topological insulator. This model has a very rich phase diagram with an emergence of an effective frustrated magnetic model and a variety of symmetry broken spin states in the strongly interacting regime. Ultra-cold atoms or quantum circuits implementation of both Haldane and Kane-Mele bosonic models would allow for experimental probes of the exotic states we observed.

Second, in order to deepen the perspectives of quantum circuit simulations of topological phases we analyze the strong coupling limit of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and we test new experimental probes of its topology associated with the Zak phase. We also work on the out-of-equilibrium protocols to study bulk spectral properties of quantum systems and quantum phase transitions using a purification scheme which could be implemented both numerically and experimentally.

La soutenance sera suivi d'un mini workshop :

Mini-workshop on Topology in condensed matter -- 13:30 - 17:00

13:30-14:00: Walter Hofstetter
14:00-14:30: Titus Neupert
14:30-15:00 : Nathan Goldman
15:00-15:30: pause
15:30-16:00 : Guido Pupillo
16:00-16:30: Nicolas Regnault
16:30-17:00: Mark Oliver Goerbig

