Postdoctoral position(s) ERC "Hydrodynamics, Holography and strongly-coupled Quantum Matter"
Postdoctoral position(s)
ERC "Hydrodynamics, Holography and strongly-coupled Quantum Matter"
The Center of Theoretical Physics at Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France) invites applications for one or more postdoctoral positions starting in Fall 2021, in the research group of Dr. Blaise Goutéraux funded by the ERC Starting Grant 2018-2023 'Hydrodynamics, holography and strongly-coupled quantum matter'.
We are looking for applicants with a PhD in theoretical physics and expertise in hydrodynamics, AdS/CFT, strongly-correlated Condensed Matter systems and their intersection. Current members of the group are Blaise Goutéraux, one PhD student, Filippo Sottovia, as well as three postdoctoral fellows, Eric Mefford, Kenta Suzuki and Vaios Ziogas.
Other members of CPHT with research interests overlapping with the group include Silke Biermann, Guillaume Bossard, Michel Ferrero, Antoine Georges, Karyn Le Hur, Marios Petropoulos, Andrea Puhm, Laurent Sanchez-Palencia and Balt Van Rees amongst others. Further information about the institute can be found at here. The Paris area is home to many other theoretical institutes at the forefront of research in theoretical High Energy and Condensed Matter physics.
Appointments will initially be for two years, with extension for another year contingent on satisfactory performance and availability of funding. We offer competitive salaries, as well as generous travel allowance.
The application deadline is Nov 30, 2020. There are two ways to apply:
- Interested applicants with a high energy theory/string theory background should use the common application system set up by Leuven University for European String Theory groups and follow the instructions. It will be helpful to indicate CPHT in their top 5 institute choices.
- Applicants with a different background and who are not interested in positions in the other institutes of the Leuven network should send their application by email to blaise.gouteraux at The application should comprise a curriculum vitae including a list of publication, a statement of research interests, as well as three recommendation letters. Please use the subject line 'Application postdoc HHQM (YOUR NAME)', including for the recommendation letters.
Questions regarding these positions should be directed to: Blaise Goutéraux (blaise.gouteraux at