PhD defense of Ariane Soret and an associated workshop
PhD Thesis of Ariane Soret, CPHT Ecole Polytechnique and Technion Haifa Forces induced by coherent effects
Amphithéâtre Becquerel, Ecole Polytechnique, Friday September 13th 2019 at 10h00 PhD Advisers: Eric Akkermans (Technion, Israel) and Karyn Le Hur (CPHT Ecole Polytechnique)
Followed by a PhD buffet Lunch, at 13h00
Associated Workshop with the Jury Members,
Centre de Physique Theorique CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, at 14h00, 13th of September 2019
Salle Louis Michel
Olivier Arcizet, Neel Grenoble 14h00 – 14h30
Optomechanics with nanowires
David Dean, Bordeaux 14h30 – 15h00
Out of equilibrium Casimir effect
Giovanni Jona-Lasinio, Roma 15h00 – 15h30
Quasi-static transformations of diffusive systems
Coffee, Discussions
Sylvain Gigan, LKB ENS 15h45 – 16h15
Observation of mean path length invariance in light-scattering media
Gilles Montambaux, LPS Orsay 16h15 – 16h45
Artificial graphenes : Dirac matter beyond condensed matter
Juan Jose Saenz, San Sebastian 16h45 – 17h15
Light induced inverse-square law interactions between nanoparticles: “Mock gravity” at the nanoscale