Chercheur émérite au CNRS
Equipe de recherche : Physique Mathématique
Adresse | CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France |
Tél. | 01 69 33 42 80 |
Fax | 01 69 33 49 49 |
Contact | prenom.nom@polytechnique.edu |
Bureau | Bât. 13 Demi étage, pièce 015 |
Recherches actuelles
- Systèmes dynamiques basse dimension (propriétés statistiques, complexité, chaos).
- Systèmes dynamiques étendus (dimension, entropie).
- Processus stochastiques (mesures quasi invariantes, théorèmes limites de rapport, aspects statistiques).
- Mécanique statistique (propriétés de concentration, fluctuations).
- Mécanique des milieux continus (barres de Hopkinson, analyse des signaux, propriétés des matériaux).
Sélection d’articles
Bussac M.N., Collet P., Gary G., Othman R.
An optimisation method for separating and rebuilding one-dimensional dispersive waves from multi-point measurements. Application to elastic or viscoelastic bars.
Journ. Mech. Phys. Sol. 50, 321-349 (2002).
Collet P., Eckmann J. P.
Lyapunov multipliers and decay of correlations in dynamical systems.
Journal Stat. Phys. 115, 217-254 (2004).
Chazottes J. R., Collet P., Schmitt B.
Devroye inequality for a class of non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems.
Nonlinearity 18, 2323-2340 (2005).
Collet P., Martinez S., Martin J. S.
Ratio limit theorem for parabolic horn-shaped domains.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358, 5059-5082 (2006)
Articles récents
Collet P, Martinez S.
Measure evolution of cellular automata and of finitely anticipative transformations.
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems 2017;37(1):129-145.
DOI: 10.1017/etds.2015.39
Billiard S, Collet P, Ferriere R, Meleard S, Tran VC.
The effect of competition and horizontal trait inheritance on invasion, fixation, and polymorphism.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 2016;411:48-58.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.10.003
Chazottes J-R, Collet P, Meleard S.
Sharp asymptotics for the quasi-stationary distribution of birth-and-death processes.
Probability and related fields 2016;164(1-2):285-332.
DOI: 10.1007/s00440-014-0612-6
Collet P, Dunlop F, Huillet T.
Wetting Transitions for a Random Line in Long-Range Potential.
Journal of Statistical Physics 2015;160(6):1545-1622.
DOI: 10.1007/s10955-015-1296-8
Lundberg B, Collet P.
Optimal wave shape with respect to efficiency in percussive drilling with detachable drill bit.
International Journal of Impact Engineering 2015;86:179-187.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2015.06.021
Collet P., Eckman J. P.
Concepts and results in chaotic dynamics : a short course. - Springer, 2006. 987-3-540-34705-7
Collet P.
Some aspects of the central limit theorem and related topics. Harmonic Analysis and Rational Approximation: Their Roles in Signals, Control and Dynamical Systems. - Springer, 2006. - (Volume 327, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 327). p 105-127.