The center for Theoretical Physics (CPHT) at Ecole Polytechnique gathers research scientists working in diverse domains of fundamental and applied Physics. The overall coherence is assured by the corpus of common, transposable, mathematical and numerical methods.
CPHT is a joint research unit of CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique, and has a partnership with the Collège de France. His director is Jean-René Chazottes, Senior Researcher at CNRS.
CPHT is on the campus of Ecole Polytechnique, buildings 5 and 6. The reception offices are located in building 6 , offices 06.1046 and 06.1045.

Postal Address :
Ecole Polytechnique 
91128 Palaiseau cedex 

Secretary phone number : 01 69 33 42 01 (from abroad: +33 169 334 201)

Write an email to someone at CPHT :  :


Professeur au Collège de France, directeur du Centre de physique quantique numérique du Flatiron Institute, Antoine Georges (X1980) est également professeur à l’École polytechnique et chercheur au Centre de Physique Théorique.

Gabriel Kotliar est Professeur à l'Université de Rutgers (New Jersey).

Le prix Aneesur Rahman est décerné depuis 1993 par la Société américaine de physique en reconnaissance de réalisations exceptionnelles dans le domaine de la physique numérique.

Ce prix récompense le travail d'Antoine Georges et de Gabriel Kotliar dans le développement de l’approche théorique du champ moyen dynamique, laquelle a permis des avancées décisives dans la compréhension des matériaux à forte corrélation quantique, typiquement les oxydes de cuivre supraconducteurs et les matériaux nano-structurés. 

Plus d'informations : Actualité de l'Ecole polytechnique



One of the two Edward Teller Awards 2019 has been presented to Patrick Mora, "for his scientific contributions to laser-plasma physics, from laser from laser light absorption to non-local electron heat transport and plasma expansion dynamics, and for his inspiring spirit of community service". The Teller Awards are awarded every other year by the Fusion Energy Division of the American Nuclear Society. It was presented to the winners during the 11th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications which took place at Osaka (Japan) in september 2019.



Razvan Gurau’s ERC consolidator grant, which starts in September 2019 for a five-year period, could finally provide an explanation for certain phenomena. The CNRS researcher with l'X’s Center for Theoretical Physics will expand his research to include random tensors and field theory. These new aspects could provide an understanding of the link between high and low energy physics, with applications for understanding black holes and condensed matter.

For more information, see our article entitled « Razvan Gurau : an ERC grant in theoretical physics »





Andréa Puhm, CNRS research fellow with the Center for Theoretical Physics at École Polytechnique, was awarded an ERC Starting Grant to assist her in starting a research group on "Information Encoding in Quantum Gravity and the Black Hole Information Paradox". This researcher proposes an original approach by combining subtle long-range effects and string theory to resolve the black hole information loss paradox.

For more information, see our article entitled “Andréa Puhm, Recipient of the 2019 ERC Starting Grant”.



