Gravity and Strings Conference
26 september 2019, Ecole Polytechnique, CPHT, Salle Louis Michel
10AM - 6PM
Organized by Luca Ciambelli
Contact :
The center for Theoretical Physics (CPHT) at Ecole Polytechnique gathers research scientists working in diverse domains of fundamental and applied Physics. The overall coherence is assured by the corpus of common, transposable, mathematical and numerical methods.
CPHT is a joint research unit of CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique, and has a partnership with the Collège de France. His director is Jean-René Chazottes, Senior Researcher at CNRS.
CPHT is on the campus of Ecole Polytechnique, buildings 5 and 6. The reception offices are located in building 6 , offices 06.1046 and 06.1045.
Postal Address :
Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau cedex
Secretary phone number : 01 69 33 42 01 (from abroad: +33 169 334 201)
Write an email to someone at CPHT : :
26 september 2019, Ecole Polytechnique, CPHT, Salle Louis Michel
10AM - 6PM
Organized by Luca Ciambelli
Contact :
Razvan Gurau’s ERC consolidator grant, which starts in September 2019 for a five-year period, could finally provide an explanation for certain phenomena. The CNRS researcher with l'X’s Center for Theoretical Physics will expand his research to include random tensors and field theory. These new aspects could provide an understanding of the link between high and low energy physics, with applications for understanding black holes and condensed matter.
For more information, see our article entitled « Razvan Gurau : an ERC grant in theoretical physics »
Andréa Puhm, CNRS research fellow with the Center for Theoretical Physics at École Polytechnique, was awarded an ERC Starting Grant to assist her in starting a research group on "Information Encoding in Quantum Gravity and the Black Hole Information Paradox". This researcher proposes an original approach by combining subtle long-range effects and string theory to resolve the black hole information loss paradox.
For more information, see our article entitled “Andréa Puhm, Recipient of the 2019 ERC Starting Grant”.
Andrea Puhm, chargée de recherche au Centre de Physique Théorique a été invitée à parler de supergravité dans l'émission " La méthode scientifique" sur France culture le 10 septembre 2019.
Lien vers le site de l'émission ici
La série de conférences internationales "Light Cone" joue depuis 1991 un rôle important dans le progrès de la recherche vers une description rigoureuse des hadrons et des noyaux basée sur des méthodes de quantification sur le cône de lumière.
L'édition de cette année (LC2019) réunira du 16 au 20 septembre sur le campus de l'Ecole polytechnique plus d'une centaine d'experts internationaux, principalement des théoriciens en physique des hautes énergies. Elle mettra à l'honneur divers aspects de la chromodynamique quantique allant de la physique hadronique (structure des protons, neutrons, ...) aux ions lourds, des domaines où se distinguent l'Ecole polytechnique et plus généralement la recherche française en physique des particules. Cette édition est organisée par Cédric Lorcé, Professeur Assistant au département de physique et membre du Centre de Physique Théorique.
PhD Thesis of Ariane Soret, CPHT Ecole Polytechnique and Technion Haifa Forces induced by coherent effects
Amphithéâtre Becquerel, Ecole Polytechnique, Friday September 13th 2019 at 10h00 PhD Advisers: Eric Akkermans (Technion, Israel) and Karyn Le Hur (CPHT Ecole Polytechnique)
Followed by a PhD buffet Lunch, at 13h00
Associated Workshop with the Jury Members,
Centre de Physique Theorique CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, at 14h00, 13th of September 2019
Salle Louis Michel
Olivier Arcizet, Neel Grenoble 14h00 – 14h30
Optomechanics with nanowires
David Dean, Bordeaux 14h30 – 15h00
Out of equilibrium Casimir effect
Giovanni Jona-Lasinio, Roma 15h00 – 15h30
Quasi-static transformations of diffusive systems
Coffee, Discussions
Sylvain Gigan, LKB ENS 15h45 – 16h15
Observation of mean path length invariance in light-scattering media
Gilles Montambaux, LPS Orsay 16h15 – 16h45
Artificial graphenes : Dirac matter beyond condensed matter
Juan Jose Saenz, San Sebastian 16h45 – 17h15
Light induced inverse-square law interactions between nanoparticles: “Mock gravity” at the nanoscale
PhD defense on September 27 at 2 pm in salle Louis Michel, CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique
Luca Ciambelli
(String Theory Group)
"Paving the Fluid Road to Flat Holography"
La revue Physics of Plasmas met à l'honneur un article publié par S. Hüller, A. Porzio, J.-C. Adam et A. Héron.
Titre : On the non-thermal nature of distributions of electrons accelerated by high intensity lasers at the vacuum-plasma interface
The European project STRONG-2020 has obtained a funding of about 10 Million Euro for the next five years. The QCD team of CPHT participates in this collaborative ambitious program which aims at resolving a list of open questions at the forefront of our present knowledge in this field at the frontier of nuclear and particle physics. This includes a full understanding of the tridimensional structure of the proton, the spectroscopy of hadrons and their exotic states and the properties of the hot and dense quark-gluon plasma. This program will help unify and enforce the theoretical and experimental studies of the strong interaction, a vivid subject that attracts an active community of about 2500 researchers in Europe.
Thesis defence on Monday, the 15th of July at 4pm, in the Louis Michel seminar room
Quentin Bonnefoy
(Group String Theory)
"Topics beyond the standard model: axions, supersymmetry, string theory"