Jacques MAGNEN

"Directeur de recherche" at CNRS

Research activities : Mathematical Physics 

Address CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France
Phone number +33-(0)1 69 33 42 71
Fax number +33-(0)1 69 33 49 49
Contact firstname.lastname@cpht.polytechnique.fr
Office "Aile zéro", Office 1026


Quantum Spacetime from Discreteness to Continuum. Workshop at LPT, March 21-23, 2011

Research interests

Mathematical physics, Renormalization group

  • Perturbative field theory
  • Constructive field theory of models for paticle physics and for solid state physics (i.e. interacting non-relativistic fermions)
  • Non-commutative field theories

Recent publications

Magnen J., Rivasseau V. 
From constructive field theory to fractional stochastic calculus. (I) An introduction : rough path theory and perturbative heuristics. 
Annales Henri Poincaré 12(6): 1199-1226 (2011)

Krajewski T. , Magnen J., Rivasseau V., Tanasa A., Vitale P. 
Quantum corrections in the group field theory formulation of the Engle-Pereira-Rovelli-Livine and Freidel-Krasnov models. 
Physical Review D 82(12): 124069 (2010)

Ben Geloun J., Magnen J., Rivasseau V. 
Bosonic colored group field theory. 
European Physical Journal C 70(4): 1119-1130 (2010)

Ben Geloun J., Krajewski T., Magnen J., Rivasseau V. 
Linearized group field theory and power-counting theorems. 
Classical and Quantum Gravity 27(15): 155012 (2010)

Magnen J., Rivasseau V., Tanasa A. 
Commutative limit of a renormalizable noncommutative model. 
EPL 86(1): 11001 (2009)

Magnen J., Noui K., Rivasseau V., Smerlak M. 
Scaling behaviour of three-dimensional group field theory. 
Classical and Quantum Gravity 26: 185012 (2009)

Magnen J., Rivasseau V., Tanasa A. 
Translation-invariant renormalizable non-commutative scalar model. 
EPL 86(1): 11001 (2009)

Gurau R., Magnen J., Rivasseau V. 
Tree quantum field theory. 
Annales Henri Poincaré 10(5): 867-892 (2009)

Gurau R., Magnen J., Rivasseau V., Tanasa A. 
A translation-invariant renormalizable non-commutative scalar model. 
Communications in Mathemathical Physics 287(1): 275-290 (2009)
