Director of the Center for Computational Quantum Physics (Simons Foundation, New York city)
Professor at Collège de France Link
Professor at Ecole Polytechnique
Research group : Condensed Matter
Lauréat d'une ERC Synergy Grant : "QMAC" "Frontiers in Quantum Materials Control"
Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics 2014
Médaille d’argent du CNRS 2007
Prix Agilent Technologies Europhysics 2006
Research interests
Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials
My research interests are in theoretical condensed matter and statistical physics. Most of my recent research deals with the physics of strong electron-electron interactions. These interactions have spectacular effects in materials such as transition metals and their oxides, f-electron compounds and organic conductors. I am interested in these effects from the viewpoint of models and basic mechanisms, as well as in combination with first-principle electronic structure methods. I also have an interest in the physics of electron correlations in nanoelectronic devices (such as quantum dots), as well as in cold atoms in optical lattices.
A complete list (in pdf format) can be found here.
My publications posterior to 1992 can be accessed on cond-mat.
I list below three more extensive publications (2 review articles and recent lecture notes published as a book chapter):
Bouchaud J.P., Georges A.
Anomalous diffusion in disordered media: statistical mechanisms, models and physical applications.
Physics Reports 195 (1990) 127
Georges A., Kotliar D.G., Krauth W. and M.Rozenberg M.
Dynamical mean-field theory of strongly correlated fermion systems and the limit of infinite dimensions.
Reviews of Modern Physics 68 (1996) 13-125
Georges A.
Strongly Correlated Electron Materials: Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and Electronic Structure.
in: Lectures on the physics of highly correlated electron systems VIII, A.Avella and F.Mancini Eds. AIP Conference Proceedings — August 20, 2004 — Volume 715, Issue 1, pp. 3-74
Freely available version of these lecture notes: cond-mat/0403123 (as taught in the Troisieme Cycle de la Suisse Romande, EPFL, 2002)
Address | CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France |
Phone number | +33-(0) 1 69 33 42 92 |
Contact | |
Office | Aile zéro, office 1013 |