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Exotic bialgebra from 9 x 9 unitary braid matrices.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 74(6) : 824-831 (2011)
Achucarro A., Gong J. O., Hardeman S., Palma G. A., Patil S. P.
Features of heavy physics in the CMB power spectrum.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (1) : 030 (2011)
Achucarro A., Gong J.-O., Hardeman S., Palma G. A., Patil S. P.
Mass hierarchies and nondecoupling in multi-scalar-field dynamics.
Physical Review D 84(4) : 043502 (2011)
Aichhorn M., Pourovskii L., Georges A.
Importance of electronic correlations for structural and magnetic properties of the iron pnictide superconductor LaFeAsO.
Physical Review B 84(5) : 054529 (2011)
Amari T., Aly J. J., Luciani F., Mikic Z., Linker J.
Coronal mass ejection initiation by converging photospheric flows : toward a realistic model.
Astrophysical Journal Letters 742(2) : L27 (2011)
Ambrosetti N., Antoniadis I., Derendinger J. P., Tziveloglou P.
The hypermultiplet with Heisenberg isometry in N=2 global and local supersymmetry.
Journal of High Energy Physics (6) : 139 (2011)
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Angelantonj C., Condeescu C., Dudas E., Pradisi G.
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Anikin I., Besse A., Ivanov D. Yu., Pire B., Szymanowski L., Wallon S.
A phenomenological study of high energy exclusive leptoproduction of the rho meson.
Physical Review D 84 : 054004 (2011)
Antoniadis I., Dudas E., Ghilencea D. M., Tziveloglou P.
Beyond the MSSM Higgs with d=6 effective operators.
Nuclear Physics B 848(1) : 1-32 (2011)
Assel B., Christodoulides K., Faraggi A. E., Kounnas C., Rizos J.
Classification of heterotic Pati-Salam models.
Nuclear Physics B 844(3) : 365-396 (2011)
Balitsky I., Chirilli G.A.
Photon impact factor in the next-to-leading order.
Physical Review D 83(3): 031502 (2011)
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Diffeomorphisms in group field theories.
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Bigongiari A., Raynaud M., Riconda C., Héron A., Macchi A.
Efficient laser-overdense plasma coupling via surface plasma waves and steady magnetic field generation.
Physics of Plasmas 18(10) : 102701 (2011)
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Chirilli G.A., Szymanowski L., Wallon S.
Uncovering the triple pomeron vertex from Wilson line formalism.
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Classical and Quantum Gravity 28(19) : 195018 (2011)
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Anomaly mediation in superstring theory.
Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress of Physics 59(1-2) : 5-75 (2011)
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On Quispel-Roberts-Thompson extensions and integrable correspondences.
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Next-to-leading order corrections to timelike, spacelike, and double deeply virtual Compton scattering.
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Pire B., Semenov-Tian-Shansky Kirill M., Szymanowski L.
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Kinetic simulations of stimulated Raman backscattering and related processes for the shock-ignition approach to inertial confinement fusion.
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Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and Theoretical 44(3) : 032002 (2011)
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Zhou B., Houard A., Liu Y., Prade B., Mysyrowicz A., Couairon A., Mora P., Smeenk C., Arissian L., Corkum P.
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Physical Review Letters 106(25) : 255002 (2011)
Afeyan B., Hüller S.
Optimal control of laser plasma instabilities using Spike Trains of Uneven Duration and Delay (STUD pulses) for ICF and IFE.
IFSA 2011 : the seventh international onference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Application - September 12-16, 2011 - Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Bordeaux-Lac, France.
A paraître dans : European Physical Journal : Web of Conferences.
Bigongiari A., Raynaud M., Riconda C., Héron A.
Efficient laser-overdense plasma coupling via surface plasma waves and steady magnetic field generation.
In : IFSA 2011 : the seventh international onference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Application - September 12-16, 2011 - Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Bordeaux-Lac, France.
European Physical Journal : Web of Conferences 2013 (in press, accepted for publication).
Caldarelli M., Leigh R. G., Petkou A. C., Petropoulos P. M., Pozzoli V., Siampos K.
Vorticity in holographic fluids.
In : Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2011 School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity September 4-18, 2011 Corfu, Greece PoS(CORFU2011)076.
Chapman T., Hüller S., Masson-Laborde P. E., Héron A., Rozmus W., Pesme D.
The dependence of spatial autoresonance in SRS on k lambdaD.
In : IFSA 2011 : the seventh international onference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Application - September 12-16, 2011 - Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Bordeaux-Lac, France EPJ Web of Conferences 2013 (in press, accepted for publication).
Chapman T., Hüller S., Masson-Laborde P.-E. , Héron A., Rozmus W., Pesme D.
Spatially autoresonant stimulated Raman scattering in inhomogeneous plasmas in the kinetic regime.
In : IFSA 2011 : the seventh international onference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Application - September 12-16, 2011 - Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Bordeaux-Lac, France.
European Physical Journal : Web of Conferences 2013 (in press, accepted for publication).
El Beiyad M., Pire B., Szymanowski L., Wallon S.
New ways to access the transverse spin content of the nucleon.
Spin 2010, 19th International Spin Physics Symposium, September 27 _ October 2, 2010, Jülich, Germany.
Journal of Physics : Conf Ser 295 : 012047 (2011).
Héron A., Adam J. C.
2D PIC simulations of collisional transport of relativistic electrons in dense plasmas.
In : IFSA 2011 : the seventh international onference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Application - September 12-16, 2011 - Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Bordeaux-Lac, France.
European Physical Journal : Web of Conferences 2013 (in press, accepted for publication).
Honoré C., Tsikata S., Grésillon D., Héron A., Cavalier J., Lemoine N.
Hall thruster small scale plasma fluctuations : Qualifying 2D PIC simulations against collective scattering experimental data.
In : 32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference 2011, IEPC-2011-208.
Hüller S., Afeyan B.
Simulations of drastically reduced SBS with laser pulses composed of a Spike Train of Uneven Duration and Delay (STUD pulses).
IFSA 2011 : the seventh international onference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Application - September 12-16, 2011 - Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Bordeaux-Lac, France.
A paraître dans : European Physical Journal : Web of Conferences.
Lansberg J. P., Pire B., Szymanowski L.
Spin observables in transition distribution amplitude studies.
Spin 2010, 19th International Spin Physics Symposium, September 27 - October 2, 2010, Jülich, Germany.
Journal of Physics : Conf Ser 295 : 012090 (2011).
Mimura N., Isojima S., Murata M., Satsuma J., Grammaticos B., Ramani A.
Ultra-discrete equations and singularity confinement test for integrability.
In : Report of RIAM Symposium. 22AO-S8 : 23.
Naseri N., Pesme D., Rozmus W.
Channeling of relativistic laser pulses in underdense plasmas and subsequent electron acceleration.
In : IFSA 2011 : the seventh international onference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Application - September 12-16, 2011 - Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Bordeaux-Lac, France.
European Physical Journal : Web of Conferences 2013 (in press, accepted for publication).
Partouche H.
Non-singular superstring cosmology in two dimensions.
In : 10th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity", Corfu, Greece, September 4 - 18, 2010.
Fortsch Phys 59:1169 (2011).
Pham T. N.
Two-Photon and Two-gluon Decays of 0(++) and 2(++) P-wave Heavy Quarkonium States.
QCD AT WORK 2010 : International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics : Theory and Experiment, JUN 20-23, 2010 Martina Franca ITALY -
AIP Conference Proceedings 1317 : 233-240 (2011).
Petropoulos P.M.
Non-relativistic gravity and geometric flows.
In : Centro di Ricerca Matematica " Ennio De Giorgi ", Ricci Solitons Days in Pisa, Italie, 4 - 8 avril 2011.
Petropoulos P. M.
Holographic fluids, vortices and magnetic monopoles.
In : EISA, Summer Institute on Elementary Particle Physics, Corfou, Grèce, 14 - 18 September 2011.
Riconda C., Weber S., Klimo O., Héron A., Tikhonchuk V.T.
Multi-dimensional PIC-simulations of parametric instabilities for shock ignition conditions.
In : IFSA 2011 : the seventh international onference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Application - September 12-16, 2011 - Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Bordeaux-Lac, France.
European Physical Journal : Web of Conferences 2013 (in press, accepted for publication).
Books or Books section
Grammaticos B., Ramani A.
Painlevé equations : continuous, discrete and ultradiscrete.
In : Symmetries and Integrability for Difference Equations, D Levi, P Olver, Z Thomova, P Winternitz editors. - Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011. p 50.
Pire B.
Le LHC, dernier accélérateur de protons ?
In. Science au Présent 2011 -. Encyclopaedia Universalis ; 2011.
Pire B.
Les 50 ans du Laser.
In. Universalia 2011. Encyclopaedia Universalis ; 2011.
Pire B.
Matière et Matériaux, De quoi est fait le monde ?
In. Universalia 2011. Encyclopaedia Universalis ; 2011.
Aichhorn M., Biermann S., Miyake T., Georges A., Imada M.
Theoretical evidence for strong correlations and incoherent metallic state in FeSe.
Physical Review B 82(6): p. 064504 (2010).
Aly J. J., Amari T.
Does the Compression or the Expansion of a Simple Topology Potential Magnetic Field Lead to the Development of Current Sheets?
Astrophysical Journal 709: L99-L102 (2010)
Amari T., Aly J. J., Mikic Z., Linker J.
Coronal mass ejection initation: On the nature of the flux cancellation model.
Astrophysical Journal Letters 717: L26-L30 (2010)
Amari T., Aly J. J.
Observational constraints on well-posed reconstruction methods and the optimization-Grad-Rubin method.
Astronomy and Astrophysics 522: A52 (2010)
Ambrosetti N., Antoniadis I., Derendinger J. P., Tziveloglou P.
Nonlinear supersymmetry, brane-bulk interactions and super-Higgs without gravity.
Nuclear Physics B 835(1-2): 75-109 (2010)
Anikin I., Ivanov D. Yu., Pire B., Szymanowski L., Wallon S.
On the description of exclusive processes beyond the leading twist approximation.
Physics Letters B 682: 413-418 (2010)
Anikin I., Ivanov D. Yu., Pire B., Szymanowski L., Wallon S.
QCD factorization of exclusive processes beyond leading twist : gamma* -> rho T impact factor with twist three accuracy.
Nuclear Physics B 828: 1-68 (2010)
Antici P., Chen S., Gremillet L., Grismayer T., Mora P., Audebert P., Fuchs J.
Time and space resolved interferometry for laser-generated fast electron measurements.
Review of Scientific Instruments 81(11): 113302 (2010)
Antoniadis I., Dudas E., Ghilencea D. M., Tziveloglou P.
Non-linear MSSM.
Nuclear Physics B 841(1-2): 157-177 (2010)
Antoniadis I., Boyarsky A., Espahbodi S., Ruchayskiy O., Wells J. D.
Anomaly driven signatures of new invisible physics at the Large Hadron Collider.
Nuclear Physics B 824(1-2): 296-313 (2010)
Antoniadis I., Dudas E., Ghilencea D. M., Tziveloglou P.
MSSM Higgs with dimension-six operators.
Nuclear Physics B 831(1-2): 133-161 (2010)
Antonsen T.M.
Radiation generated by bunched electron beams in corrugated plasma channels.
Physics of Plasmas 17(7): 073112 (2010)
Arnold C. L., Zhou B., Akturk S., Chen S., Couairon A., Mysyrowicz A.
Pulse compression with planar hollow waveguides: a pathway towards relativistic intensity with table-top lasers.
New Journal of Physics 12: 073015 (2010)
Assel B., Christodoulides K., Faraggi A.E., C. Kounnas, Rizos J.
Exophobic quasi-realistic heterotic string vacua.
Physics Letters B 683(4-5): 306-313 (2010)
Audier M., Salaün M., Roussel H., Delyon F., Duneau M.
CrO2-to-Cr2O3 transformation in a three-dimensional interference field of ultraviolet laser light.
Crystal Growth & Design 10(4): 1923-1928 (2010)
Bakas I., Bourliot F., Luest D., Petropoulos P. M.
The mixmaster universe in Horava-Lifshitz gravity.
Classical and Quantum Gravity 27(4): 045013 (2010)
Bakas I., Bourliot F., Luest D., Petropoulos P. M.
Geometric flows in Horava-Lifshitz gravity.
Journal of High Energy Physics 4: 131 (2010)
Balitsky I., Chirilli G.A.
High-energy amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the next-to-leading order.
Physics Letters B 687(2-3): 204-213 (2010)
Barmettler P., Punk M., Gritsev V., Demler E., Altman E.
Quantum quenches in the anisotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain: different approaches to many-body dynamics far from equilibrium.
New Journal of Physics 12: 055017 (2010)
Barmettler P., Bernier J. S., Kollath C.
Lattice heat destroys coherence.
Physics 3: 102 (2010)
Ben Geloun J., Magnen J., Rivasseau V.
Bosonic colored group field theory.
European Physical Journal C 70(4): 1119-1130 (2010)
Ben Geloun J., Krajewski T., Magnen J., Rivasseau V.
Linearized group field theory and power-counting theorems.
Classical and Quantum Gravity 27(15): 155012 (2010)
Bernier J. S., Dao T. L., Kollath C., Georges A., Cornaglia P. S.
Thermometry and signatures of strong correlations from Raman spectroscopy of fermionic atoms in optical lattices.
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Books or book sections
Bourliot F., Estes J., Kounnas C., Partouche H.
Thermal and quantum induced early superstring cosmology.
In. Superstring Theory in the 21st Century : Horizons in World Physics. Volume 270 / Charney, G B (ed). - Nova Science Publishers Inc , 2011. p 135-160.
ISBN 10: 1616683856
Georges A.
De l’atome au matériau : les phénomènes quantiques collectifs. - (Leçon inaugurale - Collège de France). - Paris : Collège de France, 2010. 978-2-213-65493-5
Sous la direction de Jean-François Dars et Anne Papillault ; 65 auteurs dont Antoine Georges
Le plus grand des hasards : Surprises quantiques. - Belin, 2010. 978-2-7011-5605-7
Mora C., Rax J. M.
Fusion thermonucléaire. - éditions de l’Ecole polytechnique (réédition annuelle), 2010. 207 p.
Abdollahpour D., Panagiotopoulos P., Turconi M., Jedrkiewicz O., Faccio D., Couairon A., Papazoglou D. G., Tzortzakis S.
Long spatio-temporally stationary filaments in air using short pulse UV laser Bessel beams.
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Books or Books section
Chazottes J. R., Keller G.
Pressure and equilibrium states. 26 pages.
In. Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science (Ergodic Theory) / R A Meyers (ed) - Springer ; 2009.
Couairon A., Mysyrowicz A.
Self-focusing and filamentation of femtosecond pulses in air and condensed matter : simulations and experiments.
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On the role of conical waves in self-focusing and filamentation of femtosecond pulses with nonlinear losses.
In. Self-focusing : past and present / eds. Boyd, R.W. ; Lukishova, S. G. ; Shen, Y.R. - Springer, 2009. - (Topics in Applied Physics ; 114). p. 457-480.
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Dipolar Bosons in a Planar Array of One-Dimensional Tubes.
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Charge transport mechanisms in microcrystalline silicon.
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Kounnas C., Partouche H.
Inflationary de Sitter solutions from superstrings.
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Lauchli A. M., Kollath C.
Spreading of correlations and entanglement after a quench in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model.
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Lütjens H., Luciani J. F.
The XTOR code for nonlinear 3D simulations of MHD instabilities in tokamak plasmas.
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Mazzanti L.
7D Randall-Sundrum cosmology, brane-bulk energy exchange and holography.
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Michalogiorgakis G.
Entanglement entropy of two dimensional systems and holography.
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Resummation of projectile-target multiple scatterings and parton saturation.
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Pasquali S., Nitti F., Maggs A.C.
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New Journal of Physics 2008 ; 10 : 053019.
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Non-unimodular reductions and N=4 gauged supergravities.
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Pham T. N.
Nonet symmetry in eta, eta prime and B -> K eta, K eta prime decays.
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Pire B., Roiesnel C., Szymanowski L., Wallon S.
On AdS/QCD correspondence and thepartonic picture of deep inelastic scattering.
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Hard Pomeron-odderon interference effects in the production of pi+pi- pairs in high energy gammagamma collisions at the LHC.
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Basic mechanisms of laser high-order harmonic generation from plasma mirrors.
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Contiguity relations for discrete and ultradiscrete Painleve equations.
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Proton probing measurement of electric and magnetic fields generated by ns and ps laser-matter interactions.
Laser and Particle Beams 2008 ; 26(2) : 241-248.
Roux G., Barthel T., McCulloch I. P., Kollath C., Schollwock U., Giamarchi T.
Quasiperiodic Bose-Hubbard model and localization in one-dimensional cold atomic gases.
Physical Review A 2008 ; 78(2 Part B) : 023628.
Sacuto A., Cazayous M., Guyard W., Le Tacon M., Georges A., Colson D., Forget A.
Nodal and antinodal gaps in the superconducting state of cuprates.
Journal of physics and chemistry of solids 2008 ; 69(12 Special issue) : 3049-3051.
Salaün M., Audier M., Duneau M., Delyon F.
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European Physical Journal C 2007 ; 52(1) : 93-112.
Simon P., Cornaglia P. S., Feinberg D., Balseiro C. A.
Kondo effect with noncollinear polarized leads : A numerical renormalization group analysis.
Physical Review B 2007 ; 75(4) : 045310.
Tamizhmani K. M., Grammaticos B, Ramani A.
Do all integrable evolution equations have the Painlevé property ?
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Tomczak J.M., Biermann S.
Effective band structure of correlated materials : the case of VO2.
Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter 2007 ; 19(36) : 365206.
Tsuda T., Ramani A., Grammaticos B., Takenawa T.
A class of integrable and nonintegrable mappings and their dynamics.
Letters in Mathematical Physics 2007 ; 82 : 39.
von Muhlenen A., Errien N., Schaer M., Bussac M. N., Zuppiroli L.
Thermopower measurements on pentacene transistors.
Physical Review B 2007 ; 75(11) : 115338.
Willi O., Toncian T., Borghesi M., Fuchs J., d’Humieres E., Antici P., Audebert P., Brambrink E., Cecchetti C. A., Pipahl A., Romagnani L.
Laser triggered micro-lens for focusing and energy selection of MeV protons.
Laser and Particle Beams 2007 ; 25(1) : 71-77.
Willox R., Ramani A., Satsuma J., Grammaticos B.
From limit cycles to periodic orbits through ultradiscretisation.
Physica A 2007 ; 385 : 473.
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Structure and optical properties of a- and g-cerium sesquisulfide. J_ ournal of Alloys and compounds 2007 ; sous-presse.
Zaïr A., Guandalini A., Schapper F., Holler M., Biegert J., Gallmann L., Keller U., Couairon A., Franco M., Mysyrowicz A.
Spatio-temporal characterization of few-cycle pulses obtained by filamentation.
Optics Express 2007 ; 15(9) : 5394-5404.
Casero R., Kiritsis E., Paredes A.
Chiral symmetry breaking as open string tachyon condensation.
In : 6th String Phenomenology Conference, INFN Frascati National Laboratories, Frascati (Rome), Italy, June 4-8 2007.
Casero R., Paredes A.
A Note on the String Dual of N=1 SQCD-like Theories.
In : RTN project "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe" conference in Naples, October 9 - 13, 2006.
Fortschritte der Physik / Progress of Physics 2007 ; 55 : 678-685.
de Soto F., Carbonell J., Roiesnel C., Boucaud Ph., Leroy J. P., Pene O.
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Nuclear Physics A 2007 ; 790 : 410C-413C ; 790 : 410C-413C.
Dudas E.
Metastable vacua in Brane Worlds.
In : 6th String Phenomenology Conference, INFN Frascati National Laboratories, Frascati (Rome), Italy, June 4-8 2007.
Grammaticos B., Ramani A.
Toda equations as paradigms of integrable (continuous, discrete and ultradiscrete) systems.
In : 2007 Kyushu Conference.
Kiritsis E.
Non perturbative and flux superpotentials on the Z3 orientifold.
In : 6th String Phenomenology Conference, INFN Frascati National Laboratories, Frascati (Rome), Italy, June 4-8 2007.
Konezny S. J., Bussac M. N., Geiser A., Zuppiroli L.
Charge transport mechanisms in organic and microcrystalline silicon field-effect transistors.
In : Conference SPIE’s Optics & Photonics, 26-31 August 2007, San Diego.
Lansberg J. P., Pire B., Szymanowski L.
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In : Workshop on Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer, May 2007, Jefferson Lab (USA).
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MHD issues in Tore Supra plasmas with non-inductive current drive.
In : 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, (July 2-6, 2007, Warsaw, Poland).
Maillard T.
Toward (meta)-stable vacua in string theory.
In : 6th String Phenomenology Conference, INFN Frascati National Laboratories, Frascati (Rome), Italy, June 4-8 2007.
Mora P.
Theory of ion acceleration by lasers.
In : Dream beams symposium, Garching (Allemagne), 26-28 février 2007.
Mora P.
Particle acceleration in ultra-intense laser plasma interaction.
In : Ultra-Intense Laser Interactions Sciences, Bordeaux, 1-5 octobre 2007.
Mora P., Grismayer T., Adam J. C., Héron A.
Electron kinetic effects in the plasma expansion into a vacuum and ion acceleration.
In : Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, Kobe (Japon), 10-14 septembre 2007.
Munier S.
From statistical physics to high energy QCD.
In : Ninth Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, IAP, Paris, Juin 2007.
Munier S.
Connections between high-energy QCD and statistical physics.
In : 12th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering : Forward Physics and QCD, Hamburg, DESY, Germany, 21-25 May 2007 arXiv:07090784 [hep-ph].
Petropoulos P.M.
Axionic symmetry gaugings in N = 4 supergravities and their higher-dimensional origin.
In : 6th String Phenomenology Conference, INFN Frascati National Laboratories, Frascati (Rome), Italy, June 4-8 2007.
Petropoulos P.M.
Axionic gaugings in N = 4 supergravities.
In : 3rd workshop of the RTN Constituents, fundamental forces and symmetries of the uniuverse, Valencia, Spain, October 1-6 2007.
Pire B., Szymanowski L.
Hard exclusive reactions and hadron structure.
In : Fifth International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics : Particle-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Scattering at Relativistic Energies, 22 - 26 May 2006, Miramare - Trieste, Italy.
Nuclear Physics A 2007 ; 782 : 9c–15c.
Salaün M., Audier M, Duneau M., Delyon F.
3D holographic lithography of organic-inorganic composites.
In : E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France - May 28th to June 1st, 2007 : Symposium P : Laser synthesis and processing of advanced materials.
Applied Surface Science : Sous presse.
Schaeffer N., Maget P., Lütjens H., Huysmans G., contributors and JET EFDA.
Non-linear MHD analysis of Advanced Tokamak Scenario.
In : 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, (July 2-6, 2007, Warsaw, Poland).
Wallon S., Pire B., Segond M., Szymanowski L.
Studying QCD factorizations in exclusive gamma*gamma* -> rho rho.
In : Invited talk at 12th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering : Forward Physics and QCD, Hamburg, DESY, Germany, 21-25 May 2007 arXiv:07100838 [hep-ph].
Books or Books section
Couairon A., Di Trapani P., Faccio D.
Conical waves, filaments and nonlinear filamentation optics. - Roma : Aracne Editrice, 2007. 978-88-548-1208-6
Kiritsis E.
String Theory in a nutshell. - Princeton University Press, 2007. 978-0-691-12230-4
Kopper C.
Renormalization Theory based on Flow equations.
In. Rigorous Quantum Field theory, A Festschrift for Jacques Bros, Progress in Mathematics ; 251. Birkhaeuser ; 2007. p 161-174.
Laval G.
La fusion nucléaire : de la recherche fondamentale à la production d’énergie ? - EDP Sciences, 2007. 978-2-86883-862-9
Popular works
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An alternative source of isolated attosecond light pulses.
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Pire B.
Symétries et lois physiques.
In. La Science au Présent 2007. Editions Encyclopaedia Universalis. ; 2007.
Abdesselam B., Chakrabarti A.
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Ghodsi A.
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Grammaticos B., Carstea A. S., Ramani A.
On the dynamics of a gene regulatory network.
Journal of Physics A - Mathematical and General 2006 ; 39(12) : 2965-2971.
Grana M.
Flux compactifications in string theory : a comprehensive review.
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Hitchin functionals in N=2 supergravity.
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Gursoy U.
Probing universality in the gravity duals of N=1 SYM by gamma deformations.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2006 ; 05 : 014.
Hassan S. R., Moessner R.
Semiclassical degeneracies and ordering for highly frustrated magnets in a field.
Physical Review B 2006 ; 73(9) : 094443.
Houili H., Picon J. D., Zuppiroli L., Bussac M. N.
Polarization effects in the channel of an organic field-effect transistor.
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Harmonic decomposition to describe the nonlinear evolution of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering.
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Isojima S., Grammaticos B., Ramani A., Satsuma J.
Ultradiscretization without positivity.
Journal of Physics A - Mathematical and General 2006 ; 39(14) : 3663-3672.
Jego L., Troost J.
Notes on the Verlinde formula in nonrational conformal field theories.
Physical Review D 2006 ; 74(10) : 106002.
Joshi N., Grammaticos B., Tamizhmani T., Ramani A.
From integrable lattices to non-QRT mappings.
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Kalmykov S. Yu., Gorbunov L. M. , Mora P., Shvets G.
Injection, trapping, and acceleration of electrons in a 3D nonlinear laser wakefield.
Physics of Plasmas 2006 ; 13 : 113102.
Kiritsis E.
D-branes in standard model building, gravity and cosmology.
Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters 2006 ; 429(2) : 121-122.
Kiritsis E.
Product CFTs, gravitational cloning, massive gravitons and the space of gravitational duals.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2006 ; 11 : 049.
Kotliar G., Savrasov S. Y., Haule K., Oudovenko V. S., Parcollet O., Marianetti C. A.
Electronic structure calculations with dynamical mean-field theory.
Reviews of Modern Physics 2006 ; 78(3) : 865-951.
Kou E., Pham T.N.
CP asymmetry and branching ratio of B -> pi pi.
Physical Review D 2006 ; 74 : 014010.
Kumar C. S., Lakshmanan M., Grammaticos B., Ramani A.
Nonintegrability of (2+1)-dimensional continuum isotropic Heisenberg spin system : Painleve analysis.
Physics Letters A 2006 ; 356(4-5) : 339-345.
Kyung B. , Georges A. , Tremblay A. M. S.
Potential-energy-driven (BCS) to kinetic-energy-driven (BEC) pairing in the two-dimensional attractive Hubbard model : Cellular dynamical mean-field theory.
Physical Review B 2006 ; 74(2) : 024501.
Lansberg J.P., Pire B., Szymanowski L.
Exclusive meson pair production in γ *γ scattering at small momentum transfer.
Physical Review D 2006 ; 73 : 074014.
Lansberg J. P., Cudell J. R., Kalinovsky Y. L.
New contributions to heavy-quarkonium production.
Physics Letters B 2006 ; 633(2-3) : 301-308.
Lansberg J. P., Pham T.N.
Two-photon width of eta(c) and eta’(c) in Heavy-Quark Theory.
Physical Review D 2006 ; 74 : 034001.
Lansberg J. P.
J/psi, psi ’ and Y production at hadron colliders : A review.
International Journal of Modern Physics A 2006 ; 21(19-20) : 3857-3915.
Laporta V., Nardulli G., Pham T. N.
Non leptonic B decays to axial-vector mesons and factorization.
Physical Review D 2006 ; 74 : 054035.
Le Tacon M., Sacuto A., Georges A., Kotliar G., Gallais Y., Colson D., Forget A.
Two energy scales and two distinct quasiparticle dynamics in the superconducting state of underdoped cuprates.
Nature Physics 2006 ; 2(8) : 537-543.
Lechermann F., Georges A., Poteryaev A., Biermann S., Posternak M., Yamasaki A., Andersen O. K.
Dynamical mean-field theory using Wannier functions : A flexible route to electronic structure calculations of strongly correlated materials.
Physical Review B 2006 ; 74 : 125120.
Lifschitz A.F. , Faure J., Glinec Y., Malka V., Mora P.
Proposed Scheme for Compact GeV Laser Plasma Accelerator.
Laser and Particles Beams 2006 ; 24(2) : 255-259.
Loiseau P., Morice O., Teychenné D., Casanova M., Hüller S., Pesme D.
Laser-beam smoothing induced by stimulated Brillouin scattering in an inhomogeneous plasma.
Physical Review Letters 2006 ; 97 : 205001.
Lütjens H., Luciani J. F.
Stochastic couplings of neoclassical tearing modes in ITER plasmas.
Physics of Plasmas 2006 ; 13(11) : 112501.
Méchain G., Olivier T., Franco M., Couairon A., Prade B., Mysyrowicz A.
Femtosecond filamentation in air at low pressures. Part II : Laboratory experiments.
Optics Communications 2006 ; 261(2) : 322-326.
Mounaix Ph., Collet P., Lebowitz J. L.
Propagation effects on the breakdown of a linear amplifier model : Complex-mass Schrodinger equation driven by the square of a Gaussian field.
Communications in Mathematical Physics 2006 ; 264(3) : 741-758.
Mounaix Ph., Posta G.
Note on the physical meaning of averaged amplitudes and intensities in parametric instabilities driven by a stochastic pump.
Physics of Plasmas 2006 ; 13(7) : 74502.
Orlando D., Petropoulos P.M., Sfetsos K.
Renormalization-group flows and charge transmutation in string theory.
Fortschritte der Physik / Progress of Physics 2006 ; 54(5-6) : 453-461.
Orlando D.
Coset models and D-branes in group manifolds.
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Panaccione G., Altarelli M., Fondacaro A., Georges A., Huotari S., Lacovig P., Lichtenstein A., Metcalf P., Monaco G., Offi F., Paolasini L., Poteryaev A., Tjernberg O., Sacchi M.
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Physical Review Letters 2006 ; 97(11) : 116401.
Paredes A.
On unquenched N=2 holographic flavor.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2006 ; (12) : 032.
Perfetti L., Loukakos P. A. , Lisowski M. , Bovensiepen U. , Berger H. , Biermann S., Cornaglia P. S. , Georges A., Wolf M.
Time Evolution of the Electronic Structure of 1T-TaS2 through the Insulator-Metal Transition.
Physical Review Letters 2006 ; 97 : 67402.
Petropoulos P. M., Sfetsos K.
NS5-branes on an ellipsis and novel marginal deformations with parafermions.
Journal of High Energy Physics 2006 ; 1 : 167.
Pire B., Segond M., Szymanowski L., Wallon S.
QCD factorisation in gamma * gamma * -> rho rho.
Physics Letters B 2006 ; 639 : 642-651.
Polesana P., Dubietis A., Porras M. A., Kucinskas E., Faccio D., Couairon A., Di Trapani P.
Near-field dynamics of ultrashort pulsed Bessel beams in media with Kerr nonlinearity.
Physical Review E 2006 ; 73 : 056612.
Prade B., Franco M., Mysyrowicz A. , Couairon A., Buersing H., Eberle B., Krenz M., Seiffer D., Vasseur O.
Spatial mode cleaning by femtosecond filamentation in air.
Optics Letters 2006 ; 31 : 2601.
Ramani A., Ohta Y., Grammaticos B.
Discrete systems related to the sixth Painleve equation.
Journal of Physics A - Mathematical and General 2006 ; 39(39) : 12167-12178.
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Deconstructing an integrable lattice equation.
Journal of Physics A - Mathematical and General 2006 ; 39(8) : L145-L149.
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Cross-fertilization of QCD and statistical physics : High energy scattering, reaction-diffusion, selective evolution, spin glasses and their connections.
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In : International Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics -DIFFRACTION 2006 -September 5-10 2006, Adamantas, Milos island, Greece.
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Rousseaux C., Casanova M., Gremillet L., Loiseau P., Rabec Le Gloahec M., Baton S.D., Amiranoff F., Audebert P., Popescu H., Adam J.C., Héron A., Hüller S., Mora P., Pesme D.
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In : Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2005 / Gauthier J-C, al.] e, editors.
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Books or Books section
Biermann S.
LDA+DMFT" - a tool for investigating the electronic structure of materials with strong electronic Coulomb correlations.
In : Encyclopedia of Materials : Science and Technology, 2006 Online Update / Eds J Buschow, M Flemings, R Cahn, P Veyssiere, E Kramer, S Mahajan. - Elsevier, 2006.
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Some aspects of the central limit theorem and related topics.
In : Harmonic Analysis and Rational Approximation : Their Roles in Signals, Control and Dynamical Systems. Volume 327, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. - Springer, 2006. - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences ; 327). p 105-127.
Collet P., Eckman J.P.
Concepts and results in chaotic dynamics : a short course. - Springer, 2006. - (Theoretical and mathematical physics). 3-540-34705-4
Couairon A., Mysyrowicz A.
Femtosecond filamentation in air.
In : Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science I, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Vol. 84. - Springer, 2006. p 235-258.
Magnen J., Iagolnitzer D.
Scattering, Asymptotic Completeness and Bound States.
In : Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics. - Elsevier, 2006.
Popular works
Pire B.
La structure quantique du proton.
In. Science au Présent 2006. Encyclopaedia universalis ed. ; 2006.