Aurélien CANOU


Research Engineer at Ecole Polytechnique

Equipe de recherche : Théorie des plasmas


Address CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France
Phone number +33-(0)1 69 33 42 96
Fax number +33-(0)1 69 33 49 49
Office Building 402, Office 1021



  • Magntohydrodynamics
  • Solar flare
  • High performance computing
  • Data processing and analysis



I am specialized in data processing and analysis as well as in high performance computing. My research interests are related to the modeling of the solar atmosphere at various scales: from Active Regions to global Sun.

PhD thesis

Caractérisation de l’Environnement Magnétique de la Couronne Solaire (Characterizing the Magnetic Environment of the Solar Corona)
Advisor : Tahar Amari
5 octobre 2011, Ecole Polytechnique

Recent Publications

Yeates AR, Amari T, Contopoulos I, Feng X, Mackay DH, Mikic Z, Wiegelman T, Hutton J, Lowder C, Morgan H, Petrie G, Rachmeler LA, Upton LA, Canou A, Chopin P, Downs C, Druckmuller M, Linker JA, Seaton DB, Torok T.
Global Non-Potential Magnetic Models of the Solar Corona During the March 2015 Eclipse.
Space Science Reviews. 2018;214(5):UNSP 99.
DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0534-1.

Amari T, Canou A, Aly J-J, Delyon F, Alauzet F.
Magnetic cage and rope as the key for solar eruptions.
Nature 2018;554:211-215. Cover paper

DeRosa ML, Wheatland MS, Leka KD, Barnes G, Amari T, Canou A, et al.
The Influence of Spatial Resolution on Nonlinear Force-Free Modeling.
Astrophysical Journal 2015;811(2):107.
DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/811/2/107

Amari T, Canou A, Aly JJ. 
Characterizing and predicting the magnetic environment leading to solar eruptions. 
Nature 2014;514:465–469. Cover paper
DOI: 10.1038/nature13815

Amari T., Aly J. J., Canou A., Mikic Z.
Reconstruction of the solar coronal magnetic field in spherical geometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 553 : A43 (2013)

Petrie G, Canou A., Amari T.
Nonlinear force-free and potential-field models of active-region and global coronal fields during the whole heliosphere interval.
Solar Physics Online First™, 31 December 2010 : 1-32 (2011)

Canou A., Amari T.
A twisted flux rope as the magnetic structure of a filament in active region 10953 observed by Hinode.
The Astrophysical Journal 715(2) : 1566 (2010)

DeRosa M. L., Schrijver C. J., Barnes G., Leka K. D., Lites B. W., Aschwanden M. J., Amar i T., Canou A., McTiernan J. M., Regnier S., Thalmann J. K., Valori G., Wheatland M. S., Wiegelmann T., Cheung M. C. M., Conlon Paul A., Fuhrmann M., Inhester B., Tadesse T.
A critical assessment of nonlinear force-free field modeling of the solar corona for active region 10953.
Astrophysical Journal Letters 696(2) : 1780-1791 (2009)

Canou A., Amari T., Bommier V., Schmieder B., Aulanier G., H. Li H.
Evidence for a pre-eruptive twisted flux rope using THEMIS vector magnetograph.
Astrophysical Journal Letters 693(1) : L27-L30 (2009)
