PhD defence of Kirill Plekhanov on the 7th of September 2018 and mini-Workshop on Topological Phases in condensed matter

On the 7th of September, Kirill Plekhanov PhD student at CPHT and LPTMS Orsay, co-direction with my colleague Guillaume Roux, will defend his PhD thesis on:
"Topological Floquet States, artificial gauge fields in strongly correlated quantum fluids"
Friday Sept. 7th @ LPTMS-batiment 100, Auditorium
(The LPTMS is close to the RER B " stop Orsay ")

PhD defense of Kirill Plekhanov -- 09:30 - 12:00

Lunch @ salle Bohigas LPTMS -- 12:00 - 13:30

Mini-workshop on Topology in condensed matter -- 13:30 - 17:00

13:30-14:00: Walter Hofstetter
14:00-14:30: Titus Neupert
14:30-15:00 : Nathan Goldman
15:00-15:30: pause
15:30-16:00 : Guido Pupillo
16:00-16:30: Nicolas Regnault
16:30-17:00: Mark Oliver Goerbig

