2021 CPHT Students conference on Friday, November 26
The students conference is organized this year on Friday, November 26, Becquerel amphitheatre.
speakers and titles
9h - 10h30
Sabine Harribey (A quick review of melonic CFTs - visio)
Jean-Gabriel Thiriet (Non-modal hydrodynamic stability analysis of ablation flows relative to inertial confinement fusion)
Matthieu Vilatte (Geroch method from holography fluid/gravity)
Ephraim Bernhardt (Topology and disorder)
Yorgo Pano (Celestial holography)
Frederick del Pozo (Quantum field theory for topological superconductors)
David Rivera Betancour (Aspects of fluids and flat holography)
11h - 12h30
Filippo Sottovia (Can hydrodynamics correctly describe instabilities in superfluids? A holographic approach)
Gabriele Casagrande (The Swampland program and SUGRA inflationary models)
Erik Linner (Electronic correlations in incommensurate materials)
Long Zou (Propagation of ultra-fast laser pulse and filamentation in the air)
Benjamin Bacq-Labreuil (Exploring the physics of strongly correlated copper oxyde systems)
James Boust (Magnetism in correlated f-electron intermetallics)
Mohamed Rekhis (Toroidal alfven eigenmodes destabilisation by energetic particles in tokamaks)
14h - 15h30
Julian Legendre (Topological properties of the kagome lattice and light-matter systems)
Majdouline Borji (Perturbative renormalization of the semi-infinite phi_4^4 theory with flow equations)
Adrien Loty (Constraints on effective theories of quantum gravity)
Renaud Garioud (Perturbation theory for symmetry-broken systems: application to the Néel phase transition)
Marcos Gonzalez (Jet quenching in heavy ion collisions)
Zhaoxuan Zhu (Two-dimensional cold atoms in a quasicrystal lattice)
Jan Schneider (Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in long-range interacting many-body physics)
16h -16h50
Nahuel Barrios (Perturbative study of long-distance non-abelian gauge theories - visio)
Balthazar de Vaulchier (Wavefunction of the universe)
William Focillon (Mechanical properties of the nucleon in the scalar diquark model.)
Pauline Besserve (Unraveling strongly-correlated materials’ properties with noisy quantum computers)
Tea Time