Seminar on Condensed matter and Topology

Seminar on Condensed matter and Topology 
Thursday 15th of September
Workshop to take place at CPHT, room "Louis Michel" (Batiment 6, niveau 0, CPHT, École Polytechnique)
Related to the PhD Thesis of Julian Legendre (10am-1pm)

Chairperson: Alexandru Petrescu, INRIA Ecole des Mines Paris (PhD Yale & CPHT, 2015)

2pm-2:25pm(+5 minutes questions)
Walter Hofstetter, Goethe University Frankfurt (DFG FOR2414 Speaker)
Strong Correlations and Topology in Multiflavor Quantum Gases

2:30pm-2:55pm(+5 minutes questions)
Guillaume Roux, LPTMS University Orsay
Kinetic pairing and two-fluid phase in a spinless fermions chain

3pm-3:30pm Cafes/Encas (Break/Cakes)

3:30pm-3:55pm(+5 minutes questions)
Ulrich Schneider, University of Cambridge
Ultracold atoms in optical quasicrystals – from fractality to localisation

4pm-4:25pm(+5 minutes questions)
Pierre Pujol, University Paul Sabatier Toulouse
A skyrmion fluid and bimeron glass emerging from a chiral spin liquid

4:30pm-4:55pm(+5 minutes questions)
Karyn Le Hur, CPHT Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS
Correlated Entangled matter, Light and Fractional Topology

The PhD defense of Julian Legendre and the seminar will also be accessible remotely via the following zoom link:

