Olesia Dmytruk
"Chargée de recherche" at CNRS
Research group: Condensed Matter
Laureate of an ERC Starting Grant 2023
Address | CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France |
Phone number | +33 1 69 33 42 16 |
Contact | firstname.lastname@polytechnique.edu |
Office | Aile zéro, pièce 1015 |
Research interests
1. Light-matter interaction
2. Topological phases of matter
3. Majorana bound states
4. Quantum transport
Short CV
Since 2022: “Chargée de recherche” at CNRS
2020 - 2022: Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow, JEIP, Collège de France (with Marco Schiró)
2019 - 2020: Postdoctoral fellow, JEIP, Collège de France (with Marco Schiró)
2016 - 2019: Postdoctoral fellow, University of Basel, Switzerland (with Jelena Klinovaja and Daniel Loss)
2013 - 2016: PhD in Physics, LPS, Université Paris-Saclay, France (Supervisor: Pascal Simon)
2011 - 2013: Master in Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Fellowship and awards
2023 - 2028: ERC Starting Grant, project “Q-Light-Topo”
2020-2022: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, project "Q-light-matter"
Selected publications
1. Olesia Dmytruk and Mircea Trif, Microwave detection of gliding Majorana zero modes in nanowires, Physical Review B 107, 115418 (2023)
2. Olesia Dmytruk and Marco Schiró, Controlling topological phases of matter with quantum light, Communications Physics 5, 271 (2022)
3. Olesia Dmytruk and Marco Schiró, Gauge fixing for strongly correlated electrons coupled to quantum light, Physical Review B 103, 075131 (2021)
4. Christopher Reeg, Olesia Dmytruk, Denis Chevallier, Daniel Loss, and Jelena Klinovaja, Zero-energy Andreev bound states from quantum dots in proximitized Rashba nanowires, Physical Review B 98, 245407 (2018)
5. Olesia Dmytruk, Mircea Trif, and Pascal Simon, Cavity quantum electrodynamics with mesoscopic topological superconductors, Physical Review B 92, 245432 (2015)
Full list: GoogleScholar
Openings available for M2 internship, eventually followed by a PhD, and postdoctoral positions. If interested please contact me directly at name.surname@polytechnique.edu