Mini-workshop on quantum gravity and holography in asymptotically flat space at CPHT


On Thursday we will have a morning of talks by Tim Adamo, Glenn Barnich and Laura Donnay, who will be visiting CPHT until Friday, on topics related to quantum gravity and holography in asymptotically flat space
Date and time: Thursday, June 27 from 10:15 am - 12:30 pm
Location: salle Jean Lascoux at CPHT (aile zero), Ecole polytechnique 
10:15-11:00 Tim Adamo: talk on "Meromorphic celestial amplitudes"
11:00-11:45 Glenn Barnich: talk on "Lessons from DLCQ for physics at null infinity"
12:00-12:30 Laura Donnay: "Discussion on w-infinity symmetries"