New trends in QFT, modularity and resurgence, on Wednesday November 6 at Institut Henri Poincaré

We are happy to launch a new thematic trimester on New trends in QFT, modularity and resurgence.
We will start with an in-person kick-off event on November 6, from 13:30 to 17:30, at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.

We are very excited about the contributions from our three speakers for this event:

Antoine Tilloy (LPENS, Mines Paris, Inria) - A variational approach to QFT in low dimensions?

Campbell Wheeler (IHES) - Matrix cocycles and Borel resummation

Claudia Rella (IHES) - The arithmetic of resurgent topological strings

To attend our kick-off event in person, there is a free but mandatory registration:

We will also share a Zoom link via this mailing list for those of you who cannot make it in person.
After the kick-off event of November 6, the trimester will continue with our traditional online talks every two weeks, which will be delivered as hybrid events at the IHES (more info soon). Details will be announced via this list.
For further information:

Kind regards,
Matteo D’Achille, Aymane El Fardi, Veronica Fantini, Emmanuel Kammerer, Edoardo Lauria, Sophie Mutzel, Junchen Rong

Mailing list of the Seed Seminar of Mathematics and Physics More info at:
