The center for Theoretical Physics (CPHT) at Ecole Polytechnique gathers research scientists working in diverse domains of fundamental and applied Physics. The overall coherence is assured by the corpus of common, transposable, mathematical and numerical methods.
CPHT is a joint research unit of CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique, and has a partnership with the Collège de France. His director is Jean-René Chazottes, Senior Researcher at CNRS.
CPHT is on the campus of Ecole Polytechnique, buildings 5 and 6. The reception offices are located in building 6 , offices 06.1046 and 06.1045.

Postal Address :
Ecole Polytechnique 
91128 Palaiseau cedex 

Secretary phone number : 01 69 33 42 01 (from abroad: +33 169 334 201)

Write an email to someone at CPHT :  :



Louis Villa soutiendra publiquement ses travaux de thèse intitulés

"Out-of-equilibrium dynamics and quench spectroscopy of ultracold many-body quantum systems"

le 9 juillet 2021 à 14h00 au CPHT, Salle de conférence Louis Michel.

Thèse de doctorat de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris préparée à l’Ecole Polytechnique, au Centre de Physique Théorique (groupe Matière condensée).

Composition du Jury :

- David Clément, Maître de Conférences, Institut d’Optique Graduate School (Laboratoire Charles Fabry), Rapporteur
- Nicolas Pavloff, Professeur, Université Paris-Saclay (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques), Rapporteur
- Gabriele De Chiara, Reader, Queen’s University of Belfast (Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics), Examinateur
- Luca Tagliacozzo, Ramon y Cajal Fellow, Universitat de Barcelona (Departamento de Fisica Cuantica i Astrofisica), Examinateur
- Patrizia Vignolo, Professeure, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (Institut Non-Linéaire de Nice), Examinatrice
- Laurent Sanchez-Palencia, Directeur de recherche, Ecole Polytechnique (Centre de Physique Théorique), Directeur de thèse

Résumé de la thèse / Abstract



La « Nuit des Temps » est une manifestation grand public organisée conjointement par la Société Française de Physique, le CNRS et le CEA et en partenariat avec la Société Française d’Optique, la Société Chimique de France et la revue "Sciences & Avenir".

Plus d'informations : Accueil



Jordan Moles (groupe Physique Mathématique)

Soutiendra publiquement ses travaux de thèse intitulés

"On concentration inequalities for equilibrium states in lattice and symbolic dynamical systems"

dirigés par Jean-René Chazottes et Edgardo Ugalde

Soutenance prévue le vendredi 18 décembre 2020 à 14h00 en visioconférence

Jury :

- Sandro Vaienti, rapporteur et examinateur, Aix-Marseille Université

- Aernout van Enter, université de Groningen, Pays-Bas, rapporteur et examinateur

- Frank Redig, université de Delft, Pays-Bas, examinateur

- Sandro Gallo, université de São Carlos, Brésil, examinateur

- Edgardo Ugalde, université de San Luis Potosí, Mexique, co-directeur de la thèse

- Jean-René Chazottes, CPHT, co-directeur de la thèse


Cédric Lorcé, enseignant-chercheur au Centre de Physique Théorique,  lauréat du prix Thibaud 2020.

Le Prix Thibaud, attribué par l'Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon, distingue tous les 2 ans deux jeunes chercheurs, expérimentateurs ou théoriciens qui se sont particulièrement illustrés dans le domaine de la physique du noyau atomique, des particules ou des astroparticules. Il s'agit d'un prix européen. Le prix est nommé en référence à Jean Thibaud, physicien nucléaire et fondateur de l'Institut de physique nucléaire de Lyon.

Les recherches de Cédric Lorcé portent sur l'étude de la structure des protons et des neutrons en termes de quarks et de gluons. Plus d'informations : Communiqué de presse de l'Académie

Annonce des résultats
Liste des lauréats du Prix Thibaud de 1963 à 2018 
Modalités du prix 




PhD Student

Research group: String Theory


"Celestial amplitudes and holography"
Advisor : Andrea Puhm

Research interests

Quantum gravity, Holography, Amplitudes, Conformally soft theorems, Celestial amplitudes


[1] Y. Pano, S. Pasterski, and A. Puhm, ''Conformally soft fermions," Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 no. 12, (2021) 1-38.

[2] Y. Pano, A. Puhm, and E. Trevisani, ''Symmetries in Celestial CFT_d,'' arXiv:2302.10222 [hep-th].


Adresse CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France
Tél. 01 69 33 42 40
Bureau Aile 0, pièce 1019




Post Doctoral Fellow

Research group: String Theory 

Research interests :

My work concerns infinite-dimensional symmetries (and more generally group actions) that appear in various domains of physics. This includes asymptotic symmetries in gravitation and gauge theory, but also condensed matter physics (e.g. the quantum Hall effect) and fluid mechanics. Indeed, all these systems admit rich underlying group structures, with typically striking implications, whose study is often hampered by the complexity of infinite-dimensional manifolds. My goal is to unveil the physical, possibly observable, effects of these groups, for instance through certain Berry phases that are associated with them.

"It is only slightly overstating the case to say that physics is the study of symmetry."
[Philip W. Anderson, "More is different", Science, 1972]


"BMS Particles in Three Dimensions", Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2016.
Published in Springer Theses:


List of publications can be found on Inspire :

Selection of publications:

- B. Oblak and G. Kozyreff, “Berry Phases in the Reconstructed KdV Equation,” arXiv:2002.01780.

- B. Oblak, “Berry Phases on Virasoro Orbits,” JHEP 10 (2017) 114, arXiv:1703.06142.

- G. Barnich, H. A. Gonzalez, A. Maloney, and B. Oblak, “One loop partition function of three- dimensional flat gravity,” JHEP 2015 (2015), no. 4, arXiv:1502.06185.

- B. Oblak, “Characters of the BMS Group in Three Dimensions,” Commun. Math. Phys. 340 (2015), no. 1, 413-432, arXiv:1502.03108.

- G. Barnich and B. Oblak, “Notes on the BMS group in three dimensions: I. Induced representations,” JHEP 2014 (2014), no. 6, arXiv:1403.5803.


Address CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France
Phone 33 (0) 1 69 33 42 71
Office Aile zéro, pièce 1026




Hepeng Yao (groupe Matière condensée)

Soutiendra publiquement ses travaux de thèse intitulés

"Strongly-correlated one-dimensional bosons in continuous and quasiperiodic potentials"

dirigés par Laurent Sanchez-Palencia

Soutenance prévue le mardi 20 Octobre 2020 à 14h00

Lieu : viso conférence via zoom (


We investigate the properties of one-dimensional bosons in various types of systems, focusing on the phase transitions or crossovers between different quantum degeneracy regimes. Combining quantum Monte Carlo with other standard techniques such as exact diagonalization and thermal Bethe ansatz, we can compute the behavior of 1D bosons in different cases where the results are still lacking. First, in the case of harmonically trapped continuous bosons, we provide a full characterization of a quantity called Tan's contact. We show that the contact exhibits a maximum versus temperature and that it is a signature of the crossover to fermionization in the strongly-interacting regime. Secondly, we study the localization and fractal properties of 1D ideal gases in shallow quasiperiodic potentials. We determine the critical localization properties of the system, the critical potential, mobility edges and critical exponents which are universal. Moreover, we calculate the fractal dimension of the energy spectrum and find it is non-universal but always smaller than unity, which shows the spectrum is nowhere dense. Finally, we move to the study of the interacting case. With the quantum Monte Carlo calculations, we compute the phase diagram of Lieb-Liniger bosons in shallow quasiperiodic potentials. A Bose glass, surrounded by superfluid and Mott phases, is found. At finite temperature, we show that the melting of the Mott lobes is characteristic of a fractal structure and find that the Bose glass is robust against thermal fluctuations up to temperatures accessible in experiments.


Guillaume Roux (Université Paris-Saclay)
Ulrich Schneider (University of Cambridge)

Examinateurs :
Thierry Giamarchi (University of Geneva)
Anna Minguzzi (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Hanns-Christoph Nägerl (University of Innsbruck)

Directeur de thèse :
Laurent Sanchez-Palencia (CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique)




Fan Yang (groupe Matière condensée)

Soutiendra publiquement ses travaux de thèse intitulés

"Topological Majorana Fermion Models and New Applications"

dirigés par Karyn Le Hur

Soutenance prévue le lundi 21 Septembre 2020 à 14h30

Lieu : viso conférence via zoom (


We present a theoretical study of topological models hosting Majorana fermion which is its own anti-particle, with relevant probe of quantum entanglement and experimental protocol for quantum engineering in cQED. For the first part, we focus on Kitaev spin liquids that can be exactly solved in a Majorana fermion representation. We introduce valence bond fluctuations to characterize phase transitions between Abelian and non-Abelian phases, and find a general relation with the entanglement entropy. To simulate these many-body Majorana states, we propose a driven superconducting box circuit with generalizations to coupled box ensembles. In the second part, by proximity effects we address the topological superconducting wire systems, where Majorana fermions emerge as zero-energy modes at edges. By varying strengths of inter-wire couplings and changing fluxes of orbital magnetic fields, we show a physical realization towards topological p-wave superconductivity.


Président :
Nicolas Regnault (LPA, ENS and Princeton University)

Johannes Knolle (Technical University of Munich)
Yuval Oreg (Weizmann Institute of Science)

Examinateurs :
Pasquale Calabrese (SISSA and INFN, Sezione di Trieste)
Benoit Douçot (LPTHE, Sorbonne Université)
Ion Garate (Université de Sherbrooke)
Pascal Simon (LPS, Université Paris-Saclay)

Directeur de thèse :
Karyn Le Hur (CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique)


