The center for Theoretical Physics (CPHT) at Ecole Polytechnique gathers research scientists working in diverse domains of fundamental and applied Physics. The overall coherence is assured by the corpus of common, transposable, mathematical and numerical methods.
CPHT is a joint research unit of CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique, and has a partnership with the Collège de France. His director is Jean-René Chazottes, Senior Researcher at CNRS.
CPHT is on the campus of Ecole Polytechnique, buildings 5 and 6. The reception offices are located in building 6 , offices 06.1046 and 06.1045.

Postal Address :
Ecole Polytechnique 
91128 Palaiseau cedex 

Secretary phone number : 01 69 33 42 01 (from abroad: +33 169 334 201)

Write an email to someone at CPHT :  :



David Rivera Betancour  will publicly defend his thesis work on Wednesday 6 of December at 15:00 hrs in room Louis Michel. 
Title: Aspects of Carrollian physics.
There will be also the possibility to attend via Zoom with following link:
Everyone is invited to attend the defense as well as the pot de thèse afterwards.




Workshop Fluids, black holes, conformal systems and null infinity

December 8th, 2023,
11 am – 6 pm
Salle Louis-Michel CPHT, École polytechnique

Speakers :

Blaise Goutéraux (CPHT-École polytechnique, Palaiseau, FRANCE)
Thermodynamics, entropy production and linear dynamical stability

Tassos Petkou (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, GREECE)
Thermal partition functions as conformal graphs

Xavier Bekaert (Institut Denis Poisson, Tours, FRANCE)
Carrollian conformal scalar as Minkowskian singleton

Break 13:15-14h30

Yannick Herfray (Institut Denis Poisson, Tours, FRANCE)
Super null infinity and its super cuts

Olivera Miskovic (Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Valparaiso, CHILE)
Symplectic structure of the light front of field theories

Break 16:00-16h30

Simon Pekar (CPHT-École polytechnique, Palaiseau, FRANCE)
Higher-spin symmetry in flat space and its unfolded dynamics

Christos Charmousis (IJCLab-UPSaclay, Orsay, FRANCE)
Black holes with primary hair

Rejoindre Zoom Réunion
ID de réunion: 819 1985 3661
Code secret: 253460

Organizers: Marios Petropoulos, David Rivera-Betancour, Matthieu Vilatte





The 17th CPHT Young Researchers Seminar will be held on Thursday 23th November at 15h00 in Louis Michel conference room.

Our two speakers are coming from outside our lab this time again !!

Josh O'Connor (Université de Mons, Belgium): Hidden symmetries and dual field theories.

Tom Wetzstein (LPTHE Jussieu, Paris): Anomalous BMS symmetry.

The seminar will be followed by a high tea.



La Journée des Thèses du CPHT a lieu à l'amphi Cauchy  le vendredi 17 novembre 2021.

9am: Introduction by the director of CPHT, Jean-René Chazottes
9.15am —> 10.30am: First session
1. Victor Tomas Mari Surkau
2. Matthieu Vilatte                           
3. Fanny Eustachon
4. Sariah AlSaati
5. Jean-Gabriel Thiriet
6. Félix Fossati                      
11am —> 12.15am: Second session
7. Victor Franken
8. Frederick del Pozo            
9. Dylan Bansard-Tresse
10. Adrien Kahn
11. Pierre Wang
12. Godefroy Meynard           
1.45pm —> 3.30pm: Third session
13. Hoyeon Won
14. Adrien Loty
15. Anustrup Mukherjee
16. Victor Dubois
17. Liam Rampon
18. Ahmedeo Shokri
19. Tristan Gamot
4pm —> 5.30pm: Fourth session
20. Jie Xiong
21. Vincent Wawrzyniak
22. Shengjie Yu
23. Yorgo Pano                     
24. Théophile Truchis
25. Zhaoxuan Zhu                


The 16th CPHT Young Researchers Seminar will be held Monday 13th November at 15h00 in Jean Lascoux conference room.

Our two speakers are coming from out side our lab this time !!

Ismael Ahlouche (Mons University, Belgium): A geometric point of view on Wigner's classification

Nehal Mittal (Collège de France): Identifying topological phases: verification of bulk-edge correspondence

The seminar will be followed by a high tea.



The 15th CPHT Young Researchers Seminar will be held on November 9th, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. in the Louis Michel Conference Room with two presentations :

Pierre Wang: Analysis of the $\varphi^4_4$-theory with N components using the flow equations

Victor Dubois: Producing energy with nuclear reactions : focus on the fusion-fission hybrid reactor

The seminar will be followed by a high tea.



Tuesday, March 12 at 14:30

at CPHT, Conference room Louis Michel

Eleanor Crane (MIT, USA)

Advantages of Digital Qubit-Boson Hardware for Quantum Simulation

Abstract: Finding a straightforward, scalable and universal framework for quantum simulation of strongly correlated fermions and bosons is important from material science to high-energy physics. Here, we develop hybrid qubit-oscillator operations for microwave cavities coupled to transmon qubits required for implementing dynamics of bosonic matter, fermionic matter, and Abelian gauge fields in (2+1)D. We then expand the method to ground state preparation and propose measurement of various long-range correlation functions required for the study of phase transitions. We implement numerical proof of principle experiments for a (1+1)D Z2 Bose Hubbard (BH) gauge theory and the U(1) Schwinger model. We include the main sources of hardware noise, which we mitigate through post-selection based on Gauss' law. This new approach motivates us to uncover the phase diagram of the Z2 BH model, relevant to the Higgs sector. We discover a new phase of matter which exhibits strong density fluctuations which we dub the `clump' phase. Finally, we perform a complexity analysis and find that for one Trotter step of these example models, qubit systems require higher gate counts than our proposal by three orders of magnitude. Our correspondingly higher circuit fidelities may help us to successfully capture the essential physics of these theories in the near-term.

