PhD Student

Resarch activities at CPHT: Condensed Matter

Research interests: Topology, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter, Theoretical Physics, Quantum Physics, Many-Body physics

Thesis:  "Topological Materials, Semimetals and Quantum Information"

AdvisorKaryn Le Hur


The objective of this thesis is to study the topological and physical properties of a new class of topological semimetals recently discovered in the group. These semimetals exhibit fractional topological properties due to the particular geometry of their band structure, involving quantum entanglement properties in the Brillouin zone. The first part of this thesis will consist in studying these quantum properties in order to identify the nature of the protection of this topological phase of matter. During this first part of the thesis, we will also be interested in identifying possible experimental protocols, including light-matter interactions protocols, with aim of experimental demonstration of these fractional topological phases by characterizing the properties of thermodynamic and transport observables within these topological phases. Particular attention will be paid to the effects of interactions on the topology of the system. Eventually, the goal is to develop new theoretical and numerical tools for the systematic study and characterization of these fractional topological phases of matter for technological purposes with links to entanglement and quantum information.



Address CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France
Phone number 01 69 33 42 76
Office Aile zéro, Office 1018

