Recent talks about my research
I have recently talked about my research
- Charge transport in gapless charge density waves, June 2022, workshop on Strange metals, SYK models and beyond, Collège de France, Paris.
- Charge transport in gapless charge density waves, May 2022, workshop on Strange metals: from the Hubbard model to AdS/CFT, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Emergent anomalous generalized symmetries in holographic quantum matter, March 2022, Iberian Strings, Gijon, Spain.
- Thermodynamic origin of the Landau instability in superfluids (link to video), March 2022, APS March meeting, Chicago.
- Damping of pseudo-Goldstone bosons, Nov 2021, IFT Madrid and Holotube online seminar series (link to video) and workshop on holography, black holes and gauge theory, Barcelona.
- Universal relaxation of pinned charge density waves, April 2021, Condensed Matter colloquium, University of Amsterdam.
- Hydrodynamic diffusion and its breakdown near AdS2 fixed points, March 2021, Rencontres Théoriciennes, Institut Henri Poincaré, France.
- Normal densities in quantum critical metals (link to video), Jan 2021, Hydrodynamics in electronic systems online seminar series, Utrecht University.
- Hydrodynamic diffusion and its breakdown near AdS2 fixed points (link to video), Nov 2020, String Theory Seminar, Utrecht University.
- Normal densities in cool quantum critical superfluids, June 2020, The Dual Mystery Channel of Gauge and Gravity, India.
- Normal charge densities in quantum critical superfluids, May 2020, Frontiers of holographic duality conference, Steklov institute, Moskow.
- Effective theories of pseudo-Goldstone bosons and melting of the field-induced Wigner solid, Sep 2019, Condensed Matter seminar at MPI-PKS, Dresden, Germany.
- Universal relaxation of density waves in hydrodynamics and holography, June 2019, 2019 STAG Workshop on holography, gauge theorie and black holes, Southampton University, UK.
- Effective theories of phases with slowly fluctuating broken symmetries, Jan 2019, Bringing holography to the lab workshop, Lorentz center, Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Slow relaxation and diffusion in holography, Nov 2018, Delta-ITP Holography meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- Density waves, bad metals and black holes, Jan 2018, Workshop on Strange Metals, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Density waves, bad metals and black holes, Jan 2018, 2nd Mandelstam workshop on theoretical physics, Durban, South Africa. Link to video.
- Bad Metals from Fluctuating Density Waves, Aug 2017, Workshop on Geometry and Holography for Quantum Criticality, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, Korea.
- Bad metals, black holes and density waves, July 2017, SCES 2017, Prague, Czek Republic.
Here are also some of the graduate level lectures I have given
- Introduction to hydrodynamics and electronic fluids, School on Strange Metals, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Non-quasiparticle approaches to transport, Second Mandelstam School on Theoretical Physics, Johannesburg, South Africa. Links 1 and 2 to video.
- Lectures on holographic quantum criticality, Workshop on Geometry and Holography for Quantum Criticality, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, Korea.
- Introduction to the Gauge/Gravity duality, AstroParticles and Cosmology, Physics Department, University Paris Diderot Paris 7.
- Introduction to the Gauge/Gravity duality, Nordita Master Class, Hillerod, Denmark.